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Sunjiagou Formation

Sunjiagou Fm


Age Interval: 
P3 (36-43), Changhsingian Stage (latest Permian) and Induan Stage (earliest Triassic)

Shanxi, Henan, Hebei

Type Locality and Naming

The type section is located at Sunjiagou, Ningwu County, Shanxi Province. It was named by Liu Hongyun et al., in 1959.

Lithology and Thickness

Siltstone and Marl. The formation in the region of Taiyuan City of Shanxi Province is composed of purple and grey-purple siltstones, intercalated with two layers of medium-, and fine-grained yellowish-pink and purple feldspar-rich sandstones, with its lower part being intercalated with several bands of blue-grey marls, and with the siltstones in its middle and upper parts containing calcareous concretions, with a thickness of 81.5 m.

In the southeastern part of the North China Massif the formation is divisible in ascending order into the following three members: namely the Pingdingshan Sandstone Member, the Marl Member, and the Gypsum & Calcareous Concretions Member. The marl (commonly known as the fresh-water limestone) and gypsum represent fairly important marker horizons for the formation, and are commonly found to occur only in the areas to the south of Taiyuan City, and the further to the north, the less they are developed. And in the areas of Southeast Shanxi, North Hebei, Northwest Henan, East Henan, Huainan and Huaibei Cities they have changed into limestone lenses, calcareous concretions and fibrous gypsum bands.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformable contact with its underlying Shihezi Fm

Upper contact

Conformable contact with its overlying Liujiagou Fm. In the Huainan City, Panjia’an area of Xuzhou City, and in the Jieshou area of Anhui Province the formation is in an unconformable contact with the overlying Cenozoic strata, and for this reason the thickness of the formation is an incomplete one, but in the Jieshou area of Anhui Province even the incomplete thickness of the formation reaches as great as being of 430 m. In

Regional extent

From north to south and from west to east the thickness of the formation is getting larger, and the closer to the margin of the land block, the greater is the thickness of the formation. For instance, the formation is thinner in the Datong Basin of Shanxi Province, being only 57 m thick in the area of Huairen County; it is 152- to 224-m thick in the Xinshui Basin; southerly to the West Henan it is 200-300 m thick; it is 467-m thick in the Yongcheng area of Henan Province; it is 720 m thick in the Xiaoxian County; and it is about 400-m thick in the area of Zibuo City, Shandong Province and the Zhengji area of the Peixian County, Jiangsu Province.




The Sunjiagou Fm yields Plant fossils (phytolites) represented by the Rhipidopsis lobata-Ullmannia aff. Bronnii assemblage. In the Liulin and Linxian Counties of Shanxi Province, and the Yiyang and Jiyuan Counties of Henan Province there had been discovered 30 genera and 44 species of plant fossils (phytolites) in what is known as the Ullmannia bronnii-Yuania magnifolia assemblage. Among the Spore-pollen fossils of the formation it is the gymnosperm pollen (including pleridosperm) that is the primary one, of which the bivesiculate pollen is predominant, including Cordaitina, Alisporites, Vitreisporites, Illinites, Protohaploxypinus, Taeniaesporites, Lueckisporites virkkiae and Jugasporites, etc. In the area of the Pingding Mt. together with the spore-pollen fossils there occur also Acritarch fossils such as Baltisphaeridum, etc.

In the Yiyang and Yongcheng areas of Henan Province the formation yields such bivalve fossils as Anthraconaia sp., Abiella sp., Pisidiidae, etc.; Gastropoda fossils represented by Planorbis sp., etc. In the Fengfeng area of Hebei Province and the Yongcheng area of Henan Province the formation yields Ostracod fossils such as Panxiania, Darwinula, etc. In the area of Pingding Mt. both of the second and the first members of the formation yield the Lingula sp. of the brachiopod fauna fossils.

The Vertebrate fossils are found to occur at the top of the Sunjiagou Fm in the Baode area of Shanxi Province, comprising such as Shihtienfenia permica, with the lower part of the Sunjiagou Fm in the Liulin area of Shanxi Province yielding Shansisaurus xuecunensis, Sanchuansaurus elaphrosis, Huanghesaurus liulinensis, etc.; the Sunjiagou Fm in the Lishi area of Shanxi Province yields Pareiasauridae cf. sutosaurus, Shihtienfenia permica, etc.


late stage of the Late Permian Epoch = Changhsingian Stage (late Lopingian Epoch; latest Permian); but research by CUG Wuhan group indicates that the upper part is earliest Triassic (Induan Stage).

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It is interpreted as basically continental deposits, with the brackish deposits, or locally the marine deposits being found to occur only on the southern margin of the region.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wang Rennong